Meet & Greet Ethiopian Cultural Troup from Ethiopia

Strengthening Bilateral Cultural Relations: GTTCI Hosts Ethiopian Cultural Troup Meet

On December 3rd, 2023, the Global Trade & Technology Council of India (GTTCI) orchestrated a momentous event fostering cultural exchange between India and Ethiopia. The rendezvous, held at the Embassy of Ethiopia in New Delhi, featured the esteemed presence of HE Mr. Demeke Atnafu Ambulo, the Ambassador of Ethiopia.

Dr. Gaurav Gupta, the President of GTTCI, and Ms. Rennie Joy, Chairperson of GTTC India Ethiopia Forum, extended a warm welcome and honored the Ethiopian Cultural Troup’s artists. Their gratitude towards HE Mr. Ambulo for facilitating this platform emphasized the significance of such engagements in fortifying bilateral cultural ties.

This initiative embodies a commitment to bridge cultural gaps and promote mutual understanding. The event’s success underscores GTTCI’s dedication to fostering global connections through cultural diplomacy, fostering an atmosphere conducive to shared learning and appreciation between nations. Such cultural exchanges serve as pivotal touchpoints fostering deeper relations between India and Ethiopia, promising a future rich in cultural harmony and collaboration.