Connected Africa Summit

Connected Africa Summit 2024: Shaping the Future of a Digitally Sovereign Continent

The heartbeat of Africa’s technological evolution resonates in the corridors of the Connected Africa Summit 2024. Hosted by The Ministry of Information, Communication, and the Digital Economy, in collaboration with the Kenya ICT Authority and esteemed private sector allies, this summit heralds a new era of connectivity, innovation, and sustainable growth across the continent.

With a vision of a digitally sovereign Africa, the summit serves as a nexus for over 10,000 delegates from diverse sectors, charting a collective course towards a robust and connected digital economy. Guided by sustainable practices and inclusive growth, the Republic of Kenya Ministry of ICT and the Digital Economy spearheads this monumental endeavor.

Strategic Context:
Africa stands at the precipice of a technological renaissance, fueled by emerging technologies like generative AI. Yet, amidst these opportunities lie challenges such as the digital divide and infrastructural deficits. Digital transformation is gaining momentum, with the continent’s internet economy projected to reach $180 billion by 2025, contributing significantly to GDP growth.

From fostering integrated digital-green growth to accelerating digital infrastructure projects, the summit’s objectives are ambitious and comprehensive. It aims to cultivate a Pan-African digital marketplace, formulate action-oriented policy directives, and champion green tech initiatives, ensuring inclusive and sustainable development across the continent.

Delegate Profile:
The summit draws a distinguished gathering of heads of state, government officials, industry leaders, innovators, investors, and policymakers. From Africa’s First Ladies to CEOs, entrepreneurs, and experts in various fields, the convergence of diverse perspectives fuels rich dialogue and collaboration.

Summit Format and Dynamic Segments:
Featuring plenaries, panels, pitch competitions, and workshops, the summit offers a multifaceted platform for knowledge exchange and collaboration. Ministerial conferences delve into national strategies and regional cooperation, while industry captains lead dialogues on trends and ventures. Financial stewardship discussions engage institutions in fostering economic strategies for Africa’s digital transformation.

The Connected Africa Summit 2024 isn’t just a gathering; it’s a catalyst for transformative change. As Africa embraces its digital destiny, this summit serves as a beacon of hope and opportunity, propelling the continent towards a future of connectivity, innovation, and prosperity.

For inquiries and participation, contact the summit coordination team at or reach out to Zilpher Owiti, Tony Ajode, or Peter Gacheru via the provided contact details. Join us in shaping the future of a connected Africa.